New On The Chalkboard
Our Open Gym sessions are getting busier. It’s great to see so many of you putting in the extra work towards your goals.
Thank you all for your patience with regards to the use of the Blue Box. The platforms should be all ready for you to be used again from next week.
HomeFit sessions can be accessed via your standard memberships. We have HomeFit on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning. All you need is some free weights and rubber stretch bands
The COVID restrictions are slowly being tightened by the Government. Please all make sure you stick to the guidelines and keep your distance at the gym. As much as we enjoyed HomeFit, we prefer to have you all in the gym :)
Thanks, everyone for making sure we all stay safe! Keep your distance during the sessions and clean all equipment used. Together we are strong and can beat anything coming our way :-)!
Our facilities & team are compliant with the latest government guidelines
Featured Blog Post
Training Focus This Week
What to expect this week?
Plenty of variety but not at random! Another week of fitness ready for you. You will notice that we are going into longer workouts really working on that aerobic capacity, scale your loads & movement if needed => we want you to continue to move for the full session.
But that's not all. As you are fitter now Cleans and Snatches are back in fashion. Both lifts will work strength, mobility, and explosiveness. We cannot wait to see you lifting! Never done them, no worries - we are starting from the basics and build slowly over the weeks.
You can now see an overview of what to expect each day in BOXMATE from Monday morning for the whole week so you can plan your week and book your sessions
YOGA for Sports: Every week a new session! You can find the link in BOXMATE on the calendar