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Where does success start?

One of the first questions we ask you when you walk through our doors for the first time is:

“What are your goals”.

Do you need to have goals when you start training at a gym? Can’t you just train to be fit, or is being fit a goal as well?

Every day you should have a goal(s), not just in every workout you tackle. If there is one thing that the most successful people in the world have in common (beyond wealth or fame) is that they set goals for themselves on a daily basis.

I believe that if you decide to do something, you need to set some expectations. You need to be able to hold yourself accountable for what you like to achieve. You can do this by setting goals or maybe a milestone. You might have a big goal that needs to be cut down into smaller goals before you can reach your final goal.

For example at the gym, you might want to achieve a muscle-up, but first, you need to get your pull-ups and chest-to-bar in. You can put your milestone in a muscle-up, but to make it achievable you need to make sure you take all the correct steps to get you there.

Whatever your goals are in- or outside the gym. Make sure you write them down, think of the necessary steps to get there and allow yourself enough time to get there.

Can you change your mind? Yes of course you can. What is on the top of your goal list today, might be at the bottom in some weeks time. Goals change and that’s ok.

Try to set yourself at least 3 goals at the beginning of each week.

Take some time to plan out the steps to get them done. If you achieve at least one goal by the end of the week you will feel a huge achievement. By setting your goals weekly, or even daily, you will find you get much more done in your day and you keep making progress throughout your life.

For example:

My weekly goal could be:

  • I’d like to do a 5k run

  • I want to find 3 new mobility movement for my shoulders

  • I want to spend 1 hour of 1-2-1 time with my children

My daily goal could be:

  • I want to meditate 5min a day

  • I want to do a 45min workout

  • I want to drink 2l of water

Some might feel they fail when not reaching their goals or milestones. Don’t worry about this. Adjust goals, change goals, and move on. Sometimes you might have it wrong and aim too high. But hey, better aiming too high than not aiming at all!

Want to set some goals for your health and fitness? Book your FREE trial now