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New On The Chalkboard

Time flies, summer is kicking off and we are now in week #2 of Together Strong Fitness Program. You might have bumped (ehhh from a distance:-0 ) into some new faces, please say hello and help them out in navigating the box and our community.

The Change Challenge is starting this week. Please speak to Coach Agnes if you want to join, we got 15 members signed up so far.

Everyone who books in for a class will need to sign the CHALKBOX COVID-19 GUIDELINE Waiver. Please read this before signing as this will give you clear instructions on how and where to enter the gym area and how to use the equipment.

Thanks, everyone for making sure we all stay safe!

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Training Focus This Week

What to expect this week?

Week 2 of Together Strong Fitness Program. You will have noticed a theme…. core and shoulders and we are going to continue with that. Also all workouts are at light loads but high volume. It is a great stimulus for the body, it will trigger muscle growth hormone and you will burn fat. Expect over next weeks the load, volume and intensity to pick up.


Together strong

Gymnastics. All about your mid line and upper body strength. Will be using the rig and a dumbbell


Body Weight workout. How fast are you?


Together strong

Engine Work. Tabata of 4 different movements with barbell, dumbbell or kettlebell


together strong

More gymnastics. Skipping practice, mid line, shoulders oh and a nice leg finisher


Body Weight workout. Gymnastics, some limited equipment is required.


together strong

Strength. Legs and pulling strength. You will be LIT afterwards


together strong

Ian’s Memorial Workout. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details


Body Weight workout. Legs!


together strong

Fun? A hero workout. Set your baseline, we will repeat this one in a couple of months


together strong

Conditioning. Long aerobic piece…….

Yoga for Sport

Every week a new session! You can find the link on SUGARWOD on HOMEFIT track