Individualising Your Fitness Program

Our CrossFit session are highly varied and our programming is structured to help you to progress with your fitness.  As you go along your journey you will be exposed to weaknesses and for a period of time you might want to bias your training to address those weaknesses. Or you might want to hone into a skill or specific movement that is going to make you even more awesome.

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Coach Alan appointed to lead Coaches' Development

At CHALKBOX we continuously strive towards offering the most complete strength and conditioning program we can for our members. This includes world-class coaching, goal setting work, and nutrition direction. Of course, this relentless pursuit requires us to have well trained, professional coaches who can not only cover the specifics of movements, coaching methodologies but also be present outside of class to help you with anything related to fitness.

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The CrossFit Open by Coach Sarah

For those who don't already know, the crossfit open is a five week long competition which is open to every crossfitter from every box around the world. It's all inclusive and age is no barrier, scaled WODs and offered, everyone can enjoy the fun. The whole point of the open and of crossfit as a whole is to play an integral part in a great community challenge.

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Does your shoulder hurt?

Does your shoulder pinch while doing push ups or in an overhead press? 

If the answer is yes, it’s more than likely down to your inability to control your shoulder blade. If your shoulder blade shrugs up and forward and you then repeat this for hundreds and thousands of reps (at home, in the gym or at work or driving) then the shoulder may become impinged due to the shoulder being in a constant state of internal rotation.

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The CrossFit Open this year

As a box we are participating in both Open events but this year we are approaching it a little bit different. We have decided to make The CrossFit Open in October the main event and will use The Open event starting on Feb 21st as a true test of progress we are making in our training cycle Building Fitter Bodies in 2019.

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ChalkLift - Movement of Quality over Load

Sometimes though we forget to go back to the basics. We all have busy lifes, professionally and socially and we need to fit in all. Our daily life in general is based on survival mode experiences; quick meal between meetings, racing up and down for school runs, most of us are very used to live a life on a fairly high stress level. This means that our bodies react to this way of living. We will be tense, we will be tiered and yes we will be stressed.

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