Caffeine: Elixir of Life, or Jitter Inducing Foe?! - by Dr. Sinead Roberts

Caffeine certainly has a weight of evidence to support its claim to enhance athletic performance. Indeed, it is one of few supplements we can claim with relative confidence as ‘proven’. Carbohydrates, protein, and creatine are others. But even so, this does not mean we should knock it back ad libitum … there are limits to its capacity, as well as potential downsides and doping (yes really!) factors to consider.

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Want to improve your running?

Many of us feel like we don’t fit the stereotype of what a runner looks or acts like.  We belittle ourselves for years of inactivity or worry that we will fail if we try. As a result you don’t like running.

Stop avoiding running and start working on an elementary movement in life. To help you to get going we are organising a trial run on Sunday 28th of April. The run will start and end at the box taking you around the countryside. 

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Warming Chicken Stew (Serves 4)

We all know exercise is, overall, good for health. But to get the benefits we must fuel correctly, which includes fuelling to support the immune system. Exercise puts a stress on the body and if the nutrients we need to support the immune system and exercise are in limited supply, both short term and chronic intense training sessions can result in immuno-compromise and increased inflammation. It is why elite athletes can be more susceptible to infection and illness. Inadequate sleep and stress also play a critical role in suppressing the immune system.

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Welcome Josh Senior - GB Paraclimbing athlete - to CHALKBOX

As you all know we are passionate about functional fitness and inspiring everyone to develop a love for fitness. The coaching team at CHALKBOX is thrilled to have the opportunity to support Josh in his fitness journey as an adaptive athlete.

Josh welcome to CHALKBOX and we are ready to help you to achieve your fitness goals!!!!

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How to get better results!

Although we try to put mobility in each and every class we teach, a few minutes a day really isn’t enough to achieve substantial mobility results, it’s just enough to get you loosened up for the movements required that day. For those of you with major mobility deficiencies and those of you looking to unlock your true potential, this is a great time to kick back, work on your trouble areas and enjoy some friendly time with your fellow Chalkers.

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