Machines versus free weights

Should you be using machines or free weights to get stronger?

At CHALKBOX we like to joke saying; “We don’t have machines, we built them”. But why have we chosen as a gym to use Dumbbells, Kettlebells and Barbells instead of machines.

When you like to built muscle machines are great. If you like to work your quads you can use a leg extension machine and they will definitely do the job for you. But by just explaining what the leg extension machine does for you, I already more or less told you why just using machines can harm you.

Most machines focus on single muscle groups, but this is not how your body works. If you train your quads with a leg extension machine you do not use your glutes, lower back, hips and core. They are switched off by using this machine. If you would be training with machines only you will in time create an imbalance in your body.

If you would use a barbell and do a back squat you train your Quads as well but you also train at the same time your Glutes, Adductor Magnus (Inner Thigh) Hamstrings, Erectors, Abdominals and Obliques, Upper Back ,Lats and Calves. Therefore free weights are more used for functional fitness as these will bring the correct balance in your body which prevents injuries in the long run.

So should you ban machines for strength training? No. A Leg extension machine will most likely give you bigger quads quicker than a back squat as with a back squat you use more muscle that will support the weight. But you should use free weights in combination with the machines to make sure you also strengthen your hips and lower back. If you can do super heavy leg extensions but your back squat is weak, you know you have created an imbalance that needs to be fixed.

If you like to try out working with free weights and follow a tailor made strength program that will help you make progression in a safe way, use the link below.