Base strength and conditioning is the foundation of making progress on your health journey. You’ll notice this week the continuous focus on pull-ups, squats, deadlifts and presses. Same time we are adding couplets and triplets of typical CrossFit style Games workouts.
Read MoreBase strength and conditioning is the foundation of making progress on your health journey. You’ll notice this week the continuous focus on pull-ups, squats, deadlifts and presses. Same time we are adding couplets and triplets of typical CrossFit style Games workouts.
Read MorePlease like our main Facebook Page by clicking on 'like' button. We got 1.4k likes but would like to see that growing.
Read MoreAn indulgent tasting brunch (or lunch or dinner!!), that packs a mean protein and vitamin hit!
Read MoreBase strength and conditioning is the foundation of making progress on your health journey. You’ll notice this week the continuous focus on pull-ups, squats, deadlifts and presses. Same time we are adding couplets and triplets of typical CrossFit style Games workouts.
Read MoreCHALKBOX Commitment Club Winners
Read MoreBase strength and conditioning is the foundation of making progress on your health journey. You’ll notice this week the continuous focus on pull-ups, squats, deadlifts and presses. Same time we are adding couplets and triplets of typical CrossFit style Games workouts.
Read MoreBase strength and conditioning is the foundation of making progress on your health journey. You’ll notice this week the continuous focus on pull-ups, squats, deadlifts and presses. Same time we are adding couplets and triplets of typical CrossFit style Games workouts.
Read MoreBase strength and conditioning is the foundation of making progress on your health journey. You’ll notice this week the continuous focus on pull-ups, squats, deadlifts and presses. Same time we are adding couplets and triplets of typical CrossFit style Games workouts.
Are you currently overweight? At CHALKBOX we have developed a 12 week program for men and women who like to lose body fat.
Read MoreCHALKBOX Easter Schedule
Read MoreBase strength and conditioning is the foundation of making progress on your health journey. You’ll notice this week the continuous focus on pull-ups, squats, deadlifts and presses. Same time we are adding couplets and triplets of typical CrossFit style Games workouts.
Read MoreBase strength and conditioning is the foundation of making progress on your health journey. You’ll notice this week the continuous focus on pull-ups, squats, deadlifts and presses. Same time we are adding couplets and triplets of typical CrossFit style Games workouts.
Read MoreWe don’t do machines. Our strength & conditioning program is unlike any other gym, boot camp or fitness program you have tried. You will be doing high intensity workouts, Olympic weight lifting and gymnastics. Whether you are looking to feel more energetic, healthier, stronger or change your body image, CrossFit is the program to do it all.
Read MoreCHALKBOX Commitment Club Winners
Read MoreBase strength and conditioning is the foundation of making progress on your health journey. You’ll notice this week the continuous focus on pull-ups, squats, deadlifts and presses. Same time we are adding couplets and triplets of typical CrossFit style Games workouts.
Read MoreEach week of the CrossFit open our nutrition coach Laura will be giving you some nutrition advice on how to fuel right for the performance.
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