Protein bars and functional drinks..... what's the deal?

There are many food products on the market that come with promises of maximising muscle growth, fuelling workouts and improving recovery. At CHALKBOX we advocate a balanced diet made up of a majority of whole, unprocessed foods, but, we thought it would be worth looking at a couple of these products to give you an idea on whether they are something you might want to try and to give your our recommendations.

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CHALKBOX Nutrition Challenge

With the summer holidays now at an end, the kids going back to school and so on, we are all starting to get back into a routine. We appreciate that maybe over the last couple of months your nutrition may have taken a back seat... and maybe your jeans are a little tight :) Don't worry guys, we've got you covered!

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From Single Unders to Double Under


CrossFit is an effective way to get fit. Anyone can do it. All the movements we do in CrossFit are universal in their ability to improve your performance. The workouts are structured so both beginners and experienced members can train safely and effectively. For a beginner, we often reduce the total reps, weight, rounds or distance, or eliminate the clock. For more advanced athletes we also provide scaling up options.

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Time to push on: Develop Your Skills


CrossFit is an effective way to get fit. Anyone can do it. All the movements we do in CrossFit are universal in their ability to improve your performance. The workouts are structured so both beginners and experienced members can train safely and effectively. For a beginner, we often reduce the total reps, weight, rounds or distance, or eliminate the clock. For more advanced athletes we also provide scaling up options.

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We are excited to invite all our younger members and their friends to our JUNIOR SUMMER CAMP 27th-30th July at CHALKBOX

Our Summer Camp is open to children aged 5yrs - 11yrs old and they do not need to have any experience.

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A message from Michele

Health & Fitness looks different for everyone and we all have a preference in the way we move but I believe it has to work for you, be enjoyable, and most importantly pain-free. Rehab is a passion of mine, whether it be from injury, illness or mental wellbeing.

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